Tuesday, March 17, 2009

{& how can i stand here with you, and not be moved by you}

i made these in the past few days =), was so much fun! its weird how much lyrics and quotes from books inspire me!






i know, i know, my collages have too many feet shots in them now(sigh), lol, cant do much about that i guess, drool! (haha)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

{you tell me your blue skies fade to gray}

I’ve been wanting to make myself a journalling box; a box with all the stuff i need to make collages in my gluebook, so today while i waited for my tea, i finally did. and so sitting infront of the tv, with my husband diverting my attention every few minutes, i made these =).




PS: i know both of them are kind of sad, but i’ve been feeling a little blue lately, so this should make that a little better, i hope