Thursday, August 7, 2014

Our Backyard Eid Dinner

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Except for a few pictures in the beginning, most of these taken by the amazing photographer and my good friend, Sumera Naveed.

Here is a picture story of our simple celebration for Eid. It was the perfect example of everything going wrong initially but ending up just right. I ended up with just some simple crepe paper strings, flowers and candles in jars for the decor. The food was ordered at a local restaurant and I laid out some simple snacks on the side to nibble on. A friend brought the yummy cake along with the candles and the kids loved blowing them out together. Our Eid gift tradition for kids continued and has grown so much. The gift corner was literally overflowing and one of the best parts was watching the kids open those gifts.

I have always been unsure of hosting anything for Eid, because I worry about getting so caught up in the preparations that we end up not enjoying it for our kids. But I’m so glad we did it, because it was so totally worth it. Watching our kids and their excitement, the chatter of our friends all dressed up and enjoying each other’s company and just spending the day together, it is what it’s all about. If you haven’t already check out my earlier post on celebrating Eid when you have kids

And only in America can your friends be such sweet guests. As it got dark, our friends helped clear up everything, including loading the rented furniture in our car:p, and sooner than I thought was possible, the backyard was clear. The joys of American Eid, I tell you! Sigh :)

Thanks for reading. And promise this is my last Eid related post. Lots of love.



  1. Love everything about it , it's amazing how you show our cultural celebration s ... Love it

  2. Oh God! <3 Lovely backyard-eid-dinner.. You people are so creative ^_^

    1. Aw Izza, this looks more elaborate in the photos than it really was. But thanks so much.

  3. Glad you think so. Thanks for stopping by!


Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you!