Thursday, March 28, 2013

Featured on AT. Would you please vote?

2013-01-21 Last week in Isloo 164

Good morning, all you pretty people. Just wanted to write a quick post and tell you of some exciting stuff. Anya’s 2nd birthday was featured on Apartment Therapy last week. Check it out here.

And yesterday, my sister Waliya’s room went up in the Bedroom Retreat contest, the only one from Pakistan. Check it out here and if you like it, could you take the time to vote for it? Thank you so much.

2013-01-21 Last week in Isloo 120

I took the pictures for her on my trip, and now that you have seen a peek, I will be posting a room tour very soon. Keep checking back:)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love it. Have been visiting the apartment therapy since past months. Love the website because I am a house-decor freak but naturally couldn't do it with a joint family living together in my house. But iA very soon, my house/room will be up there :))

  2. done :) All the best .. such a beautiful room

  3. Omgggg! her room <3 beautiful <3 I love the way she decorates her room <3


Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you!