Tuesday, June 4, 2013

If you lived closer.

For our family that is close in heart, but too far away in person. Also for the many sweet friends that live too far away.


If you lived closer, we would’ve called you up first thing today and convinced you to come over because the weather was too perfect to not be together. If you lived closer, you would’ve joined Anya and I for our little picnic in the backyard. We would’ve combined our leftovers and feasted on them for lunch, with fruit and iced water in the shade.


If you lived closer, we would’ve laughed and made fun of each other, talked about life and dreams and our days. Anya would’ve interrupted our conversations with ‘Excuse me, Anya baat kar ri hai’ Excuse me, Anya is talking, every little while. We would’ve danced to the music, and tried to convince Anya to let us listen to some thing other than Mother Goose.


If you lived closer, we would’ve argued over who will make tea and my mom and I would’ve enjoyed drinking it together. Anya would’ve wanted your complete attention and we would’ve tried to get her busy with something so we could’ve talked.


If you lived closer, we would’ve spent days like today together and ended them with the feeling of a day well-spent. Only if you lived closer.


Pictures from our afternoon in the sun - having lunch, reading books, coloring, talking, listening to music and eating ice cream. On days like today, when the weather is perfect and we make the most of it, I miss you all even more. How I wish you lived closer.


Thanks for reading.


Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you!